Consultations, Workshops, Advising, and Coaching:
Customization and Costs.
Bystander Intervention Workshops
Each workshop is a 4-hour workshop and is available as either a remote workshop or an in-person workshop. If taught in person, we usually provide it as a 2-hour session, 1-hour lunch (and discussion) break, and a 2-hour session. We can provide multiple in-person workshops, usually 1/day during a single week. If you need more than three or four workshops, please contact us for specific scheduling constraints.
For a remote workshop, the options include a single 4-hour session with short breaks during the session, or two 2-hour sessions separated by at least a day.
Participation is limited to no fewer than 10 and no more than 30 people. Some flexibility is possible depending on the particular circumstances (we can accommodate 31 people in a single workshop, for example).
The baseline cost per workshop is $4,000. Customization is available for an extra fee depending on the specific customization. For in-person workshops, please see the Travel Costs section below. -
Anti-Harassment Workshops
These workshops are based on the bystander intervention framework but have been customized to accommodate state anti-harassment training laws. The workshops are specific to supervisory or non-supervisory employees. Other specifics will be discussed with the client before a detailed workshop agenda is made available. We prefer to provide these workshops as 2-hour or 4-hour workshops, but we can shorten them to be 1-hour or 2-hour workshops.
The workshops can be taught in-person or remotely. The limit on participation is no more than 100 people, but note that these are designed as interactive workshops and participation is notably reduced when there are more than about 30 people participating.
The baseline cost for the 4-hour workshop is $4,000. The 2-hour or 1-hour workshops are $3,000. Customization is available for an additional fee, which will depend on the customization. For in-person workshops, please see the Travel Costs section below.
Mentoring Workshops
We off an 8-hour Mentoring In the Time of Uncertainty workshop. This will be taught as a series of 2-hour workshops over four sessions. We prefer the sessions be separated by a week or more so that participants have time to do some of the extra activities provided during the sessions and also have time to talk to their mentors or mentees about some of the content.
The workshop is available remotely or as a combination of remote and in-person sessions. Participation is limited to no more than 40 people.
The baseline cost per workshop is $8,000. Customization is available for an extra fee, to be discussed with the client. For in-person workshops, please see the Travel Costs section below. -
Proposal Reviews (Inclusion Plans, Science Proposals, etc)
Reviews of Proposals will mostly be custom work, but in general a review of a 15-page proposal to NASA will cost $3,000.
Reviews of subsections of a proposal start at $1500 and increase based on page length and complexity of the proposal and required details and suggestions in the review.
A longer proposal (mission proposal or mission inclusion plan) will cost more. The cost will depend on the complexity of the proposal and the review.
Inclusion Plan Development
This is a customized development effort and generally requires a series of consultations with the client. The upfront consultation cost is $4,000 to schedule a series of four 1-hour meetings with the client to determine what will be developed and the cost of that development. The deliverable at the end of these meetings would be a plan outline or something similar. These meetings will be remote and with a small number of the client’s team (with one person designated as the point of contact).
Custom Workshops and Consultation
We also offer custom workshops: Codes of Conduct development; Trauma-informed Responses for Leaders; Justice and Inclusion discussions; and many other custom discussions. Please contact us. If we cannot provide the service, we are part of a coalition of like-minded small businesses who offer related work and we can help you find the right team for your needs.
Travel Costs
Travel costs are extra and will include a full day for the facilitator’s time the day before the first workshop(s) and a full day for the day after the last workshop(s).
If more than one workshop will be presented in-person, a specific schedule will be discussed with the client.
Travel costs also include lodging (booked by Other Orb or the facilitator, but adhering as closely as possible to the GSA per diem cost schedule for the destination city/county), M&IE, as defined by the GSA, airfare (coach-class), and ground transportation costs (estimated as the cost of a compact rental car, parking, fuel, etc).
Travel on the weekends may be available for an additional fee.
The estimated travel costs will be presented to the client during the contract agreement stage, but will not be itemized in the final invoice(s) to the client.